It is future and solution oriented type of therapy. Unlike many other therapies out there, we don’t delve on the past. It’s not to say we don’t acknowledge it, we may talk about it but we certainly don’t spend hours upon hours delving on it as we know from Neuroscience that focusing on the past doesn’t really help. The focus of strategic psychotherapy is WHERE YOU ARE NOW, WHERE YOU’D LIKE TO BE and HOW WE BRIDGE that gap. Every problem we run is process based – stress is a process, anxiety is a process… During our sessions, I will look at your processes and patterns to identify what feeds the challenge you are presenting and strategically target them.

Clinical hypnosis is a therapeutic approach that uses guided relaxation and focused attention to help address a wide range of issues, including anxiety, addictions, self esteem, phobias or OCD to name a few.

The experience of hypnotic ’trance’ guides you from waking consciousness (Beta), to between a deep physical and mental relaxation like being in a daydream or light meditative state (Alpha) and a deep hypnotic state that is like a deeper meditative state (Theta).

You are likely to experience a deep sense of relaxation and comfort and be open to ‘aha’ moments and clear thoughts and realisations that can leave you feeling calm and peaceful as well as more confident in yourself, your choices and your experiences.

Hypnosis is just a tool, what you deliver through hypnosis is what makes therapy effective or not. There are many hypnotists that gained their certificate after 3 day course and will claim they can provide hypnotherapy. So make sure you chose a practitioner that is skilled in actually providing therapy in a first place.

I use neo-Ericksonian method of hypnosis, which is very individual and client oriented. I don’t use scripts, I tailor entire session and treatment plan according to your needs.

Hypnotherapy is not a touch of a magic wand. Even though it’s highly effective form of therapy that produces results relatively fast comparing to other forms of therapy, it does require your participation and commitment during the session and in between them.

During the hypnosis, I may use stories, metaphors or other suggestions but it’s entirely up to you what you take on board. I cannot force imprint anything into your mind, mind control you, zap you… I am more like a navigator but you are the captain of the ship and all final decisions are up to you.


Kinesiology marries ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine and modern western science. It recognises that our Life Force (Chinese Chi) flows along energy pathways called meridians, which connect to functions of the body (ie metabolism, temperature regulation, immune responses…), related organs (ie kidney, lungs, bladder…) and muscles.

Kinesiology uses gentle muscle monitoring as a biofeedback to identify underlying stress patterns and their causes. Muscle monitoring taps directly into your energetic body and subconscious mind aka your thoughts/beliefs/patterns, some of which are self-sabotaging without you even realising it. Our energy flow is affected by how we think, what we eat and other everyday stresses that may lead to energy imbalances which in turn may lower your immune system, manifest as various illnesses, pain or emotional issues. These imbalances may be general or specific goal related.

Kinesiology helps to create balance around the goal/issue to empower body/mind to heal itself and achieve desired outcomes.
Touch for Health Kinesiology I practise, promotes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, emphasising health maintenance, disease prevention, client education and client responsibility.

One session can make a difference.

During the session, we first discuss what your primary focus area/concern is and what you’d like to achieve. Secondly, we look for the core motivation for more profound results. Then, I use gentle, non-invasive muscle bio-feedback to see where energy blocks reside and balance them.
Kinesiology sessions are hands on and require your participation, through which you will also learn how to apply some of the techniques at home.

Some of the balancing techniques I use: Emotional Stress Release, Meridian Tracing, Spinal Reflexes, Neuro Lymphatic Balance, Neuro Vascular Points, Pain Tapping, 5 Element Balancing, Colour Balancing with Metaphors…


Reiki is a Japanese technique designed to promote physical and emotional wellbeing through channelling life force energy. If one’s life force energy is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

It is a natural, non-invasive treatment designed to reduce stress, promote relaxation and activate your natural healing processes.

Reiki has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.


Neuro Linguistic Programming is a way of changing someone’s thoughts and behaviours to help them achieve desired outcomes. NLP techniques can identify and change limiting beliefs and habits/patterns that don’t serve you as well as teach how to react to stressful situations.

The Neurological system regulates how our bodies function, Language determines how we interface and communicate with other people and our Programming determines our behaviour, body reactions and the kinds of models of the world we create. I blend NLP techniques with strategic psychotherapy and kinesiology sessions if needed..


Come and see me if any of the below apply to you:
  • Stress
  • Anxiety (general / before a certain meeting/ public speaking / any specific life event)
  • Self-limiting beliefs/ attitudes/patterns
  • Overly critical voice inside your head
  • Low self-esteem
  • Suppressed emotions
  • Procrastination
  • Flashbacks
  • Unhealed wounds of past hurts / past stress
  • Desire for personal development (I can help you set the goals too)
  • You are after a relaxing YOU-time, while hugged in a healing Reiki energy